jVSTwRapper - The wrapper to write VST plugins with Java
Steinberg - The company that develops the VST-SDK and the VST host Cubase.
KVR-Audio - A page with many VST plugins and a good developer forum.
VST Host - A free VST host by Hermann Seib
Minihost - A free VST host. The site contains a lot of other useful stuff, too.
VST Source Code Archive - Contains VST code snippets
DSP - Contains a lot of code and informations about DSP.
Janino -
the Embedded Java Compiler used in Scripteffect
Skin Look And Feel - If you want to skin your Java VST audio plugins
Java Sound Resources -
This site helps you to learn and master the Java Sound API . With code examples.
Synthedit - A modular
program that can create vst plugins.
jMAX -
jMax is a visual programming environment for building interactive real-time music and multimedia applications. They can be used as a VST plugin.
Java - If you don't know this site you are probably wrong here.
Don't crack - A page dedicated to audio free/shareware.